Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday Checklist - Excedrine Migrain, Pot of Coffee, Fake Smile, Positive Attitude (Whatever)!

The weather is cold and a bit snowy. On the bright side, we didn't get as much snow as they had predicted. Saying that, I should probably knock on wood because they are still calling for some snow today. It seems like most of it went north of us so I really thing we are in the clear.

The weekend was uneventful. Jess's basketball team lost big time to the best team in the conference. Saturday she played in a JV game and they lost but it was close. I had to set up for a wrestling tournament so was unable to attend the game.

Jess and Dawn and Dawn' mom went shopping after the game Saturday. Long story-short; Grandma fell in a store, landed on her head and broke her wrist. She was sent by ambulance to the hospital where they did a CAT scan and a few X-Rays and then sent her home. She seems to be fine except for a broken wrist, sore head, sprained ankle and a bruised ego.

Sunday I just stayed inside and watched football. I have a pulled muscle in my back and it has taken most of the weekend to get it so I can move without wincing. I skipped volleyball this weekend too. I didn't think I would have been any good out there.

It is currently 11 degrees outside which is an improvement from yesterday. As I sat and enjoyed my morning coffee it was -7. Looks like we are in the midst of a heat wave!

This week I don't have class. It is MLK day so DMACC is closed. That means tonight is a free night for a change. Tuesday Drew has a game away and Jess has a home game. Nothing Wednesday. Thursday Drew has a home game and Jess has a JV game away. Friday Jess has a home game and I think there is a Saturday game for Jess here in Perry. At least this week I have Monday and Wednesday night free.

The lady who guesses the weather forcast just said we are expecting about 2 more inches of snow here today. That isn't too bad. I hope she is right for a change.

Molly just jumped up on my lap and wants everyone to know she says "hello".

Well, I should start my week. Monday----Ugh!