Wednesday, January 23, 2008

9 out of 10 people agree, "Hump Day" is a stupid name

I really don't care for the term "hump day". For some reason it reminds me of a camel or a dog going to town on someone's leg. Not the best imagery to start the day.

I was asked to teach another DMACC class starting today. Another instructor that teaches the same class I teach but at the DMACC West campus changed jobs or something and isn't able to continue teaching his class. They asked me to take the class. It is Wednesday from 6-10 and pretty much the same as my current class. I have to drive to the West campus in Des Moines but they pay mileage and it is right off the highway so it isn't a bad drive. I said I would do it, I don't want to turn down the money and I like teaching. The only down side is 6-10 on Monday nights and now on Wednesday nights too. Add the 30 minute drive to and from DMACC and Wednesday is a 5 hour committment. I guess I will see how it goes.

The girls basketball team lost another one last night. I think by 20. Jess plays well but doesn't want to take the open shot from outside. I am done talking to her about it. If she hasn't gotten the message at this point, there isn't any reason to talk to her about it with 7 games left. She will just have to develop for next year.

Drew's team also lost but it was a good loss, if there is such a thing. They lost by 4 but the last time they played this team, they lost by 30 or 40. At least they closed the gap. Drew played well but didn't score. His shots weren't falling.

I am pretty much ready for basketball season to be done. It has been a long season without much success and it is time to move on. Feb 13 is our regional game and that should be the end of it.

It has been very cold here lately. I think the temp right now is 8, which is an improvement from other days this week and tomorrow it is going to get really cold. The weather people say it is going to be a high of 15 and a low of -10(without wind chill).

Not much else to say today. The week is just moving along and I am ready for Spring. Since we are in January, it is going to be a long Winter.

I am going to work on a new name for Wednesday, I am done with "hump".