Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Goose Is On The Loose

Jess is 16 today! I am not sure how I feel about it. One one hand I feel a bit scared that she is going to be in danger out there on the road by herself. It really is a sick to the stomache feeling. On the other hand (Fiddle on the Roof reference) She had driven a lot since she got her permit and does a fine job. She is responsible, almost to a flaw, and won't be careless. I will also have someone to run errands for me now. If I need a gallon of milk, "Hey Jess, run to the store and get it." There are some things I will like about this deal as well.

It looks like the car insurance will go up $50 a month with her driving.

She is going to Adel to pickup her license this morning. She should only miss the first couple periods of the school day.

So I had the 2nd most embarrassing moment in my life happen last night. Here's the story:

I am teaching class and I have this damn cold so I am all stuffed up and my throat kind of hurts. Even through my cold, the class is going well. The students are engaged and LISTENING intently. I am writing on the white board and explaining formulas in Excel. As I turn to go to the computer, I rip a FART!!! Completely unintentional and I am not really sure how that can happen without my consent but it DID! Holy crap, I farted right in front of class with everyone looking at me and listening.

Of course I just keep talking and move to the smart board and do my best Vanna White impression by pointing out the screen. I didn't look at the class and kept my back to them for the next minute or two. I just couldn't bear to look. I must still be immature to some extent because even though I was embarrassed to the point that these words can never describe, I was doing everything I could to keep from bursting out laughing.

I didn't hear any giggling or anything from the room but I am sure they were all looking at eachother and smiling. The next hour of class I walked around with a white board marker in my hand and kept twisting the cap to make a sound, similar but not even close to a FART sound in the attempt to put doubt in their minds that it might have been the marker and not an actual fart on my part. Who am I kidding. On the bright side, it didn't stink. I got through the next hour of class without incident.

So that was my second most embarassing moment. I will go into my most embarrassing moment tomorrow.

Telling that story makes me need to go to the bathroom.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Molly

The day previously known as hump day is upon us and Molly is 1. Jess turns 16 tomorrow and the goose will be on the loose.

Wednesday is also the day I teach class in Des Moines. It is a long day but it is really nice when class is over and I am done teaching for the week.

Thursday there is a class for parents of Jess' club volleyball team on creating a recruiting video. It is at 8 o'clock in Ankeny and I plan on attending. I really don't feel like driving 40 minutes to attend a meeting on a Thursday night but they only offer this once a year and have a few recruiters coming in to talk to the group about what they look for and want. I am sure it will be worth while but it is another thing to have to do.

My cold is still kicking my butt. My chest is killing me and my nose is either running like crazy or completely stuffed where I can barely breath. In short....I am a mess.

On the bright side, it looks like we are going to be in the 40's this weekend. That will be a very nice change and maybe we can get some of this snow melted. I am getting very tired of the cold and snow. This weekend will be a pleasant break.

My life is dull and I have nothing else to write. It is strange that I have such a busy schedule but very little of interest to mention. Such is my life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Leap year adds a day to Winter...What kind of deal is that?

The snow has made travel a bit difficult in the area. Yesterday the school closed 3 hours early which was around 12:30. Today we have a two hour late start.

None of this effect me however, I am still to work normal hours. (Like the rest of the world)

My cold just sucks! My chest hurts and I have a crappy cough and a sore throat. All in all it is a pretty crappy environment. Jess has the same thing and we are both glad they let school our yesterday. For Jess she was able to come home and sleep. For me, I didn't have to teach class until 10:00 at night.

It is contract negotiation time and it is always a drag. The directors met yesterday to work out some of the things in the contract for our staff but we are all so different, department wise, that we have very different needs. We meet with the Superintendent today to get some language hammered out and hopefull get it through their union.

The teachers have a union and the support staff have a union but the directors and our assistance, like Nancy, are kind of out in the cold. I honestly think our employees get better benefits than we do because they have a union. We just get whatever!

The good news is our insurance rates are not going up at all this year so our raises will be strictly salary. I think this is the first time in the last 6 years it has been this way.

I did get a chance to watch tv last night and I can tell you, I haven't been missing anything. The Monday night lineup is not a big winner in my opinion. I like two and a half men but I hate what is on after it. Once that happens it kind of throws the whole thing off kilter.

It is time to go out and snow blow the driveway. Ahh......The life of a midwesterner.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I don't think I watched more than 2 hour of tv this weekend....What the hell is going on!

This had to go down as one of the longest weekends I have had in awhile. Saturday we had to get up at 5 am and go to Des Moines for a volleyball tournament. They played three matches and won all three. The volleyball stuff got done about 1 and then we had to drive to Boone to watch Drew play in a basketball tournament. We got home around 6 or 7 that night.

Sunday, up at 5 am again, Jess played at 8. The won the first two matches but lost the third in a tiebreaker. They headed to the tournament seeded second. Their first matchup was against a team we beat quite handily the day before and we LOST!!! The girls played like crap and I think they were just worn out.

I started feeling sick Saturday afternoon but it really hit me Sunday about 2. Fever, headache, scratch throat. I came home from the tournament and went to bed. I feel a bit better this morning but my throat still hurts and I can tell that as my energy level drops I will start to feel bad again.

We are supposed to get 4 inches of snow today. We are in a winter storm advisory from 6 am to 6 pm tonight. I would not be dissapointed if school gets let out early and all evening activities get cancelled. I won't have to teach class then.

FYI - Ralf Nader needs his ass kicked.

I took some video of the matches. I filmed them as individual clips for each play. I have to go throug them and delete out the nonsense. Once I have gone through it I will post a clip or two to the blog.

We have two birthdays this week. Molly turns 1 on Wednesday and Jess turns 16 on Thursday.