Friday, October 23, 2009

I hope our ship can handle the rough seas ahead

Finally Friday. Rainy again but at least it isn't snow. This weather sucks and I think it is going to continue to suck through the next week.

The volleyball team won both matches last night. They beat Boone in three straight and they beat Indianola in two straight. One of the girls on the Indianola team is a friend of Jess' and she played on her club volleyball team last year.

I met with the Superintendent yesterday and she told me I had to cut a position in my department. UGH!

I met with both of my paras and told them one of them is going to be cut. I am not sure which one right now because it is a union deal and there is two scenarios that can play out and it will just depend on how the contract is interpreted to know who will be cut. I have no say in the decision.

Nancy will be gone this morning to a doctors appointment so I will be handling thing alone for awhile.

It is good to get to the weekend. I am worn down from the stress of budget cuts and having to cut a position and then just the normal work load. I feel like laying on the couch the whole weekend and just zoning out. Sometimes your mind needs a break.

Ok, off to start.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tough to burn wet leaves

Rainy and chilly and it looks to be that way through Friday.

Both kids were home sick yesterday. They don't have the H1N1 stuff but had headaches, sore throats and upset stomachs. I think they day at home sleeping helped. They should be back in action today.

Class went well last night. They are working on a team project so they were busy beavers doing research and getting ready for the presentation due next week.

I meet with the Superintendent this morning to discuss budget cuts and how it relates to my department. I am not really looking forward to that but you do what you have to.

Tonight Jess has two volleyball matches. We go to Boone to play Boone and Indianola. We play back to back matches so it should at least be as quick as possible.

Not much else going on. It is busy here and it seems like I am rarely home but it will eventually calm down.

Off to start.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thank God for modern medicine

Weather is good. Upper 60's I think. Rain after today.

It was senior night last night and a time for recognition of the senior volleyball players. I held up well and so did Jess. She cried a little but not as bad as it could have been.

The team won in 4 games but it wasn't pretty. I guess no body looks back and remembers how good you looked, it is just about wins and loses. This was a win so we will take it.

Drew is under the weather. He has a little fever and a headache and an upset stomach. Not sure if it is the flu but he will probably stay home today and rest.

With the volleyball match last night, I have tonight free. Wooo-hooo!

Drew has his last football game on Friday. It is a home game against Jefferson. I hope his is feeling better by then.

The volleyball team plays Thursday in Boone. That is the last regular season game of the year. Next Monday we play at home against DCG in the first round of regionals.

Off to start.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The word keeps on spinnin

The weather is a bit better today. I think it is supposed to be in the 60's and mostly sunny.

The weekend was ok. Jess had a good time on her visit to Iowa State. She had a hotel room to herself and her host athelete (another girl on the track team) took her around and hung out with her. They went to the football game and she said the whole thing was a good experience.

We had breakfast with the coach on Sunday morning and he said he would setup a home visit with us and give Jess the scholarship offer. We would have a few weeks to decide.

Drew went to the football game as well. He went with the FCA group. They had a state wide FCA deal before the game and then everyone got to watch the game. He said it was a lot of fun.

My birthday was pretty good. I got a DirecTv receiver for the front living room and Nancy bought me a down comforter for my bed. (Which is AWESOME!!)

Tonight is Senior night for the volleyball team. It is Jess' last home game as a senior. She only has a few matches left and her volleyball career is done. It is a bit sad and I am sure she will cry. I will miss watching her play.

We got a new puppy. Another Yorkiepoo. Her name is Emma and she is a cutie. All puppies are cute. Anyway, she is a little bigger than Mylee but a sweetie. I will get some pictures up soon.

Ok, another day to face.

Off to start.