Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Not quite the end of the rainbow but still pretty nice

The weather is going to be really good today. High in the 70's and sunny. It should be a pretty good day.

It is also the last day of school before the summer break. To top that, it is only a half day.

Both kids have games tonight. Drew is in Madrid and Jess has a home game.

Drew had his official 8th grade graduation yesterday. Even though he has this half day left, he is officially a high school student.

Jess has another final today but is done at 11. She will be a senior....ugh!

Life moves pretty fast doesn't it.

The teachers work all day today and then half of a day tomorrow. I plan on taking Drew to get his learners permit and get a license plate for the scooter tomorrow.

The California trip is just a few weeks away and I can't wait. Our new superintendent called me yesterday. She is really nice. I think she will be a breath of fresh air in the district but it will be interesting to see how she handles the tough stuff.

Not much else. Off to start.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In each life some rain must fall

The weather is wet and buggy. Unpleasant!

Drew had a game last night and it took about 3 hours. They won! It is the same team that they beat two other times but a win is a win.

Drew played 3rd base and 1st base. He got hit by a pitch, hit two to the outfield and was walked twice.

I spent the night battling bugs. I think I need body netting.

Nothing on the agenda for tonight. Both kids have games tomorrow. Jess has a game on Thursday and Drew a game on Friday. Jess also has a tournament on Saturday.

Today is the last full day of school before summer break. I have decided to try to make a change in my life. I am going to try to let things go and not let things get to me. I am going to be like a twig on the mighty Mississippi, just going with the flow. I have gotten to the point lately that every little thing give me stress and I am done with it. I need to relax and just worry about stuff that matter.

Most of the stuff I get worked up about, in the big scope of life, really doesn't matter. I guess we will see how it goes. I need to come up with a mantra to go along with my new attitude. I will see what I can come up with.

Molly has been really itchy and has scratched the hair off her hind quarter. I think I am going to take her to the vet to see what they can do. She doesn't have fleas, she is just really itchy. Poor thing.

OK, off to start the rainy day.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Scooting around

The weekend was nice. The bugs are just terrible here right now. It is ridiculous. I ended up spraying my yard with an insecticide. There were so many bugs that it was almost impossible to sit outside. They would just swarm.

Not much went on this weekend. Drew had saved up all of his lawn mowing money and bought a Playstation 3. I bought him a few games but that is how he chose to spend his money.

I bought a scooter. It is kind of like a little motorcycle but it only goes 30 mph max. It takes about 3 blocks to get it up to 30. Drew should be able to drive it to his baseball practice. He and I drove it around this weekend. Last night it quit working and won't start so I will have to call the shop and have them take a look.

Drew has a baseball game tonight but it might rain so we will have to wait and see. Jess doesn't have anything until Wednesday.

It seems very humid today. It seems the summer weather is already here.

Ok, off to start.