Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We had tacos for dinner last night and I think I ate 5 too many

I am going to have to go out and shovel the driveway so this is probably going to be a bit short today.

Snow continues to fall and I think we have a total of maybe 5 inches. We probably had between three and four last night and an inch or two yesterday. Not a lot but enough to be a pain.

Both kids have games tonight. Drew is away. I thought he played in Perry but that wasn't right. Jess does play here tonight so I will get to see that one.

My instructor books for class still haven't arrived but they keep promising. Kind of like, Checks in the mail.

Yesterday went pretty well. The constant in technology is that we will always have to deal with the most stupid of people. The bright ones, we never hear from. I guess I should be happy there are stupid people because it does provide a sense of job security. You know what?.........I still hate them!

Nothing on the agenda for the day but I plan on working on getting out web server configured and ready for a swap.

I need to get out and deal with this dang snow.

My back was just starting to get better................ugh