Monday, August 13, 2007

At least it's not Wednesday!

The weekend was pretty good. Nancy and I worked almost a full day on Satuday but it was very productive. We got a bunch of stuff done that needed to get done before the teachers come back on Wednesday. The work we did on Saturday will make the rest of this week go a bit smoother. Sunday, Jess and I played in a golf tournament. It was a parent/child tournament that is a fund raiser for the Make a Wish Foundation. One of the member has a son that battled cancer and ended up passing away shortly after he graduated. He battled it through the last couple years of HS.

Anyway, we played with Nancy and her family. It was fun, we golfed poorly but it really didn't matter. The weather was very hot and humid. I think I drank a gallon of water and peed once!

We are truly in the last days of summer break. The teacher all come back on Wednesday and the first day of school is the Wednesday after that. Drew gets one more trip of the summer. He leaves Wednesday with his Dawn's parents to go camping and fishing in Missouri. He seems pretty excited about it.

This has been a very busy summer as far as work goes. I am not going to plan much for next summer. I think we need a relaxing summer for a change and I am setting the goal of next summer being exactly that. Yesterday was my first day off in 4 weeks.

So I get a call from the people who are renting my house. He says they have bats in the house and one of them bit their daughter and she has to have rabies shots. He thought the bats came in through the chimney. They had the flue open! He said they shut it but then they saw two more bats. Three in all. All in the same night.

I felt bad but was unsure what he wanted me to do about it. I am sure the bats came in through the flue because it would be hard for three bats to make their way down from the attic to the lower level, two stories below. Anyway, I told him I would see if there is anyone who deals with this and has any recommendation. I don't think there is much I can do. We lived there three years and never had a bat. Not even one. I feel bad for the little girl but don't think there is much I can do. I have found them to be winers! I rented a house on first street that had a bat and I didn't call the landlord. They are a bit different.

Ok, off to start my Monday. The saga will continue tomorrow.