Thursday, August 16, 2007

Get your blue suede shoes on, it's Elvis' birthday!

This is a Thursday like most. Trash day, golf day, blah, blah, blah. The only change is we have the teachers back and I am facilitating training for them all day..UGH!

The day will start with Nancy and I going in early and getting things setup. THEY will show up about 7:45, we will see how many are late, and the training starts at 8. It should last a couple hours and then this afternoon we are using five computer labs and the staff that was trained in the morning to train the rest of the staff. We will have 110 teachers in 5 labs across two buildings all getting trained at the same time.

Nancy and I will be roaming, lab to lab to make sure they are working ok and answering any questions they may have. It should be a treat.

Nancy and I then have training ourselves at 1 on custom report writing. It should only be an hour and not to difficult, I think I know how do it already so it is kind of a waste but you never know what little tidbits you can pickup that might make life a bit easier.

I golf tonight. Only two more weeks and that is done. I have been ready for it to be done for a month now so I am glad.

The weather is supposed to be good this evening, low humidity, so I have that to look forward to.

Friday is going to be a work day without meetings or nonsense, at least as far as I know of. Lots of work to do so it will be a good day to try to chip away at things.

I will post tomorrow and let you know how the day went. I am sure I will have an amusing story.

Stay cool!