Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Readers Digest Version of my week

There is a lot of stuff going on right now but it is just to much to go into any detail and quite frankly, I just don't have it in me today to type it all out. Here is the Readers Digest version:

  • Tenants called yesterday. All five of them have to get rabies shots. It's gonna cost a lot and they are pissed. They say they have had 5 bats in the last year.
  • I called pest control companies. The cheapest is $100 to take a look and over $1,000 for a solution.
  • Work is a drag. People coming back and wanting things. Not enough time in the day to do all the work that is needed to be done. I am burning out.
  • The house is a mess. Drew stayed overnight at a friends and said he would clean before he left. It didn't happen. I am not sure I have the energy to yell at him. He is just grounded.
  • Jess is doing two-a-days for volleyball. She doesn't get home until after 8 pm.
  • The heat and humidity suck the big one. I am tired of this weather and it isn't helping my disposition at all.
  • We are going to lower the price of our house to try to sell it. At this point we are fine with taking a loss.
  • I can't sleep at night. Toss and turn, insomnia. blah, blah, blah.
  • My yard is a mess. I have weeds everywhere and I haven't been home enough to get it done. Even when I am home, I am too tired to do it. I am only cutting the grass. The rest is slipping away.

I do have a few things I am clining to get me through. I am looking forward to football season. It will be a welcome distraction. Even if I am at work on the weekends, I can put a game on. I also am looking forward to the fall when the weather will cool down and the humidity will go away. It looks like Thursday will be nice. Mid 80's and less humidity. I know eventually the work will get done, I just have to remember the old saying "How do you swallow and Elephant? One bite at a time.". I have a partner in pain so I am not going through this alone. Nancy is fighting the good fight at work with me and she is someone I can lean on a bit.

  • I am a little dissapointed that my posts have been rather dreary of late. I apologize for this. I don't want pity, I am just telling it as it is. There are people in this world that have it far worse than me and I know that. I am sure the posts will become more entertaining as things here improve. Stick with me!