Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What is worse, Reality TV or Reality?

The weather is taking a turn for the worse. We have hit our high already and it is going to get cold and we are supposed to get a couple of inches of snow. We are already 10 inches over our normal snow fall for the year so everything we get from here on out will only add to that total.

Did I mention that I hate snow? Well I do! Give me the warm California sun any day over this wet, cold, slick, crap. I just have to keep telling myself that it will only be a matter of months before I am splashing around in the Pacific ocean underneath that warm California sun.

My class went ok last night. The students were distracted and playing on the computer while I was talking. That ended last night. I gave them a lecture about responsibility and if they aren't able to sit and listen to the material during class, I would have to assign additional homework to insure they knew the material. Either listen now, or learn on your own later! I plan to meet with each of them individually next week to discuss their grade. I have a concern about a couple of them.

Drew has a game today in Jefferson at 4:00. I think the weather will hold up so they will have it. There is a concern with the wind and having a "ground blizzard" but I can't imagine with just a couple inches of snow it will be that big of a deal. Jess has a volleyball practice in Ankeny tonight. This is the first Tuesday she has been able to attend. Usually she has a game but tonight is open so she gets to go to practice. I am sure she is thrilled.

Insomnia has been a bit of an issue the last couple of nights. Last night wasn't as bad as Sunday night but I still didn't sleep well. I have been getting sharp pains in my chest and it woke me up last night. I don't think it is really anything to worry about. I get these pains from time to time but nothing down my left arm so I am pretty sure I am fine. Beside, who has heart problems at 39?

Tomorrow I teach another class in Des Moines. I am glad that the classes are Monday and Wednesday so I can get them out of the way early in the week. I would hate teaching a Friday class.

Off to start my snowy day.