Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wanted lazy, fat, whiny bastards....Apply at Perry Garbage

I am tired like it is a Monday morning. I taught class last night in Des Moines and didn't get home until after 10 and didn't get to bed until 11. Today I am back at it, 5 am and the kids both need up at 5:30. I made the coffee a bit stronger this morning to give me a bit of a kick.

Drew has an early morning practice and Jess has a breakfast thing to go to for FCA. They had a speaker come to the school yesterday and the FCA leadership team is having breakfast with him this morning before he heads out. He was an NFL football player for 15 years, I think his last name is Hanson. I didn't pay much attention to the event so I am not in the know.

Class went pretty well last night. The students are well behaved (honeymoon period) and seem to be attentive. I can already tell the difference in maturity level and behavior of college students vs high school students. It is kind of strange becuase they are really only a year or two apart in age. I think it is the environment that makes them behave the way they do.

I kind of enjoy the drive home after class. There really isn't much traffic and there is a radio talk show guy that is on at night that makes me laugh. I stop at a convenience store on the way, my little oasis, and get a cinnamon roll and a diet pepsi. (Funny combination I know). Anyway, I drive home with the calmness of the night, a cold drink and a nice treat while listening to the radio. I think it will be even better when the weather gets nice.

Jess has a game tonight in Saydel. It is JV game and she will only play two quarters. I do not plan on attending. Tomorrow she plays here in Perry. They both have games next Tuesday at home. It is senior night for the high school team, with one senior it won't be that big of a deal.

At this point there are no plans for the weekend. Superbowl Sunday is this weekend so we don't play volleyball and Jess doesn't have practice. I might be a good weekend to take a nap!

On a bit of a side note. Doesn't John McCain sound like a confused old man half the time? Maybe it is just me but when I listen to him speak it is like his trying to get the words out but in between each word is one of those "old man" noises. Kind of the sound of air leaving his mouth with a bit of a sound and he doesn't even realize he is doing it. I guess Republicans aren't big "thinkers".

Trash Day!!! (Insert sinister music here!) Filthy bastards are driving around in new garbage trucks and just loving life. Pretty sad when people can honestly say, "I wish I had it as good as the garbage men!" Ugh! (That may be a record for most exclamation points in a paragraph.)

Off to start my day.