Tuesday, January 8, 2008

If your lips are moving as you read this post....STOP IT!

The big stresser for the week is behind me. I finished teaching my first night of class!

It was a good night. The kids were all well behaved and the class moved along pretty well. Four hour is a long time but taking breaks every hour makes it not too bad. We covered all of the information I wanted to cover last night and went over the homework as a group. The first hour of class I showed them the homework assignment and what I wanted done and they were kind of freaked out. By the end of class they were all comfortable and felt that it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

I really like the group and it should be a pretty good class. I hope the students felt like it went well too.

Today, I continue the maraton of little to no free time. I have an early meeting at 7:30 another meeting at 11 and then Jess has a game tonight. At least her game is here in Perry so I shouldn't be too late. I would guess I will be home by 7:45 or 8.

The weird thing about teaching my class is that when I got home, I needed a bit of downtime to be able to go to sleep. You can't go home at 10 and be asleep by 10:05. At least I wasn't able to do it last night. I ended up getting to sleep around 11 or a little after. The coffee is helping me this morning.

I wanted to post a video of the Gingerbread house experience from Christmas. Here it is!

Video took too much time to Upload!!!!!! Maybe another time....

I wanted to note the weather today. It is foggy again and it has kind of become a trend as of late. There were also some tornados to the north around the Minnesota border. How weird is that? Rain and fog and tornados in January.

Drew was telling me last night that he likes the show "American Gladiators". I remember that show back in the 80's or early 90's. I don't remember the actual decade it was on but it was ok back then. I will have to check out the new version and see how it goes. I know Hulk Hogan is the host. How old is that guy?

I can't tell you how nice it is to have all the political stuff done here in Iowa. No more phone calls. No more ads on TV, of course I haven't seem much tv lately. It is a nice and refreshing break from the mess that it was a week or so ago. You can only take so much of that before you just tune every candidate out. New Hampshire is being victimized now but they are going to be past it after today as well.

I saw that yesterday Hillary broke down with tears in her eyes and so did Borak. I would imagine the stress and weight of a campaign can get you in all sorts of conditions. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a mandatory hiatus from campaining or ads. How about every Sunday there is no campaigning or political ads on tv, radio or the paper? It would give the candidates and the country a nice break from the madness.

I have kind of read through the post and it seems to be long and rambling but I am waiting for the video to upload and it is taking awhile. As it loads I am just rambling and rambling. I will stop now for you benefit!

Have a great Tuesday.