Monday, January 14, 2008

I used to like Mondays------What the hell was I thinking?

The weekly cycle has begun again. UGH!!!

MONDAY---What a drag!

Jess and the girls basektball team had a very rough weekend. They lost big on Friday night and on Saturday night. Jess didn't play well either night. She did a nice job on defense but didn't score on Friday and only had 2 on Saturday. She was averaging between 10 -16 points a game and really didn't play agressively this weekend. She also struggled at the free thow line. In light of all of that we went to the gym yesterday and worked on her shot and free throws. We shot for about an hour and a half. We also talked about confidence and fire.

Going and shooting was her idea. I think she was disgusted with her play and wanted to get it fixed. Drew came with us and shot as well. He is playing pretty well and has been shooting pretty good as well.

I teach class tonight and have to do a short presentation for the school board. That is a kick ass develoment. I teach a four hour class and during one of my breaks, I have to walk across the hall and present to the board and then come back and finish teaching. Whoo-hooo!

Who knows what the week ahead will bring. The weather is supposed to be cold and maybe a few flurries throughout the week. I don't think we are supposed to get anything of significants but cold is cold.

Jess plays at home of Tuesday and away on Friday. Drew plays at home on Thursday. Right now, we don't have a volleyball tournament this weekend. I know the coaches were trying to get in one but the one they checked into was full. I would imagine it is a bit late to get into anything for this weekend but you never know.

I feel like I have been so busy lately and the weekend has just flown by. Tonight teach class, Tuesday go to a game, Wednesday get a break, Thursday and Friday go to games and then it is back to the weekend. Whirlwind! My Tivo is filling up with shows I want to watch but zero time to watch them.

Have a great Monday!