Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The only place I want ICE is in my drink!

Well the weather outside is frightful but inside its so delightful. ICE-SLEET-SNOW, oh my!

School has been cancelled today. The kids are more than overjoyed about it. I tried to tell them that tears of sadness should be streaming down their faces because they won't be able to learn today. They were having any of that.

I was planning on going Christmas shopping today but since the weather is so bad, I will have to postpone it until tomorrow or Thursday. I do have an early morning meeting on Thursday so if I take that day off, I will either have to leave after the meeting or miss it.

Drew and Jess were both scheduled to have games today. I would imagine they will reschedule the hs game but not sure about the 7th grade game. I am going to miss Jess's next two games. Friday she playes in Adel and we are having our department Christmas party that night. The following Tuesday she plays in Dallas Center and I have an orientation for DMACC that night.

Speaking of DMACC, I have 10 students enrolled in my class so far. I am pretty excited about this opportunity but a little nervous at the same time. The instruction part doesn't concern me at all. I can teach the content in my sleep. It is the management part. Four hours of class as a time and doing a grade book, following the course work from a book - you know a bunch of it will be a snoozefest! It will be a life experience for sure.

So the Superintentant calls me yesterday and wants me to do a presentation for the school board in January. The same night as my first DMACC class. I told him of the conflict and he asked if I could just give the class a 15 minute break and I could stop in and give my presentation. The classes I teach are right across the hall from where they have the board meetings. I said I would do it. Whatever! I just wish it wasn't the very first night of class.

Not much else for today. It has been kind of slow, event wise, lately. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Lifes highs and lows are the spices of life but I am not up for a low so non-eventful is fine with me right now.

Off to build the igloo!