Friday, November 16, 2007

If this is a dream will somebody wake me up?

Every week, I curse Monday and praise Friday. WELL THIS WEEK IS NO DIFFERENT-----WHOOOO HOOOOO FRIDAY!!!!!!!!

Little Drew, who actually isn't so little anymore, doesn't have a morning practice today. He has practice after school and there is a parents meeting at 5:15 in the gym. The coaches are required to have a parents meeting at the beginning of each season. They aren't really worthwhile if you have the same coach each year but for new kids and parents, it probably a good thing. I will go to Drew's but when Jess has one, I am skipping, I know what they have to say.

Speaking of Jess, she was part of the Academic Decathalon last night. It is a two night committment and they finished up last night with the big competition. She was VERY grouchy when she got home from practice becuase the coach didn't let them out until 6:15 and they had to be back for the Decathalon by 6:30. She had to come home, clean up and get dressed up. She kind of blew in, bitched for 5 minutes, and blew back

When she got home from the decathalon, she was in much better humor. She did well and had a good time. She said she got her two questions correct and one of them was a chemistry question. She said one of the boys from another team stood up and said "Jessica Nichols! How did you get that right, you haven't taken chemisty." She said she smiled and said, "I guessed".

Both kids have practice tonight. Jess has a scrimmage in some town tomorrow, not sure where and they both have games on Tuesday.

Three more days until Thanksgiving break and I couldn't be more thankful for that!

The huskers don't play this weekend so I won't be obligated to watch games or stick by the radio. This leaves the weekend a bit open and I am not sure what I am going to do. Maybe a little work around the house. I have a sink that is dripping and a few other things that I can work on.

Off to start the weekend!