Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Can a Tuesday be Terrific?

School is back in session today after a three day weekend. It is cool this morning but it is supposed to be very nice this afternoon.

Both kids had practices yesterday and parent/teacher conferences even though school was not in session.

Today is game day! Drew plays his final football game of the year in Dallas Center today. Jess has a home tournament tonight.

Work is going ok. Same old story. Much to do, little time to do it. I sometimes wonder if I am too hard on people when they call for help. I am not rude or short with them on the phone but when I get done talking with them, I often wonder how they find their way home from work. I am a bit quick to judge a persons intellectual capacity base on their ineptness on a computer. Probably a bit harsh sometimes but realistically what they have to do is not brain surgery. It really has to be lazy or stupid and is probably lazy most of the time.

I woke up this morning in a pretty good mood. I am quite certain that my dreams were good last night but I can't remember what they were about. I just remember it being kind of a happy place and having a nice time. I can't remember any specifics but it seemed that wherever I was at or whatever I was doing was making me happy. It is kind of odd how dreams can impact the next day. Sometimes I have bad dreams and wake up grouchy or sad and it has an impact on the day ahead. The same would go for times when the dreams are good.

I think I have mentioned before but one of the women who work for me has a vineyard. Anyway, she brings in wine from time to time when we have get togethers and I always enjoy it. I think the wine they make is a bit higher in alchohol content than some you buy but I told her if they get their license, to let me know and I would buy some bottles. I do enjoy a good glass of wine at night. The trouble is there are so many kinds and it is hard to find a bottle that is something you would like. Some wine is really dry and kind of bitter, others are so sweet is like drinking soda. I like the wine that is kind of in between. Not too sweet but definitely not too bitter either. Wine is good for the heart.

I think this week is going to move pretty fast. I see the leaves are falling in my yard and I am dreading starting that process. I will spend a great deal of time this weekend cleaning up the yard.