Friday, September 14, 2007

For some reason, veins freak me out!

Football Friday begins today. The homecoming game is tonight and I hope we win. The bon fire was last night. Jess and Drew went. I haven't talked to them to find out how it went yet. I am sure it was fun.

Jess is going to the dance tonight. I think she is kind of regretting having a date because a bunch of her friends are going without dates and I think she would rather hang out with them. It seems to always be that way. If she wasn't asked out, EVERYONE else would have a date. Now that SHE has a date, EVERYONE else is going alone. The life of a high school student.

It is a big weekend for football. Iowa vs Iowa State is Saturday so this week has been full of trash talking between the two rival fans. The beloved Huskers have a battle with USC Saturday night. I hope they win! I also want to see the Notre Dame vs Michigan. Both teams without a win and desperate. I love it!

I am looking forward to work today. I have some things to do of course but as I checked my calendar this morning, it seems to be a pretty slow day. How awesome is that? I probably just jinxed myself and a system will crash and it will be a busy day. Right now, however; it looks good.

Big Brother 8 was pretty good last night. Dick and Daniel are the final two. I was hoping it would turn out that way.

Have a great weekend - GO HUSKERS!