Wednesday, September 12, 2007

If a word is mispelled in the dictionary, is it mispelled?

The weather is a touch on the cold side this morning. As I went for my run it was 41 degrees! WHOOOO! What a way to wake up!

I took an alternate route today. It is still very dark. There hasn't been a moon out this week and it makes the roads very, very dark. I ran in town today but I hate to do it because running on pavement is hard on the old bones.

Drew's team won last night. He played pretty well. He could use a bit more agression but he is a gentle kids so what can you do. He did get a sack and a couple of tackles. They won 18-6.

The volleyball team won last night as well. I didn't hear any details because I was in bed when they got home but Jess said they won. I will find out more about it today.

I am on the verge of turning on the heat! It is cold in the house but I think I will wait until it is going to be cold for awhile. The basement where the kids sleep is warm so they are fine. We are gone all day so there is no sense in wasting the energy to heat an empty house and it will be warm this afternoon anyway.

Hump day today. Early out at school but I don't think there are any events going on. It is homecoming week and there is a bon fire tomorrow night and then the game and dance on Friday.

Nancy brought in Fried Chicken and Cheesy potatos for lunch yesterday and we have leftovers for today and tomorrow so I am excited about lunch this week. It is a nice change from the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. (I did have one of those for dinner last night - I'm addicted to them)

I have every intention of putting more pictures up on the site but just haven't gotten around to it. I will, once again, try this week.