Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sunny Sky, Cool Breeze,No Humidity,Why am I Grouchy?

My review went well yesterday. It was actually quite good. Doesn't pay any better but it is nice to get appreciated once in awhile.

The weather outside is wonderful. The high is going to be 82 and the humidity is gone! I am going to try to talk Nancy into breaking out the convertible soon.

Drew went to the Wellness thing yesterday and he was not impressed. The other people that went were goober kids and he didn't really have anybody to hang out with. He did get some cool gifts but he said he didn't want to do that again.

Jess had a game last night. I did not attend and went to bed before she got home. I am not sure how they did or if she got to play but I will wake her up before I leave today and find out. She has basketball practice this morning.

Drew and I had chef salads for dinner last night. It was pretty good. I didn't have croutons, which I think is necessary for a good chef salad, but it did the trick. It was his idea and we had chicken and ham in the fridge so it was an easy meal to fix. I have had the hankerin for fried chicken lately.

I met with a lady in charge of our alumni group yesterday. She has grand ideas for putting information on our website to include: a database for demographic information, obituaries, donation page, on and on and on. All in all it probably is a good thing but it ends up being more work for me. Not complaining but at times it feels that all these little things pile up and I have time for nothing anymore. Kind of like grains of sand piling on a scale, eventualy all those little grains add up to a hefty weight. Such is life!

Yah, the more I think about it, the more I need the convertible to come out and get me the hell out of here for awhile.

FYI - Raspberry Vodka and lemonade is a wonderful summer cocktail.