Friday, July 6, 2007

It doesn't feel like Friday

It is apparently Friday, July 6th but I have the disposition of a Monday. I am not sure what the body clock does but when it is off it really stinks. Most Fridays I wake up with a smile and think of the things I need to get done at work and at what time I am going to kick back and relax (Sometimes it is around 11:00 Today, I woke up a little grumpy. I think it is going to pass but it is not the way I like to start my day.

Jess had a softball game last night. The JV lost and the Varsity won. Jess didn't get to play in the varisity game, which really sucks---refer to previous post for story details. There is only a week and a half left and it will be over. Thank goodness!

I don't have any plans for the weekend. The softball team plays in a tournament but I am not going to go. I can do yardwork and maybe go to the pool.

Work is paticularly busy right now. It seems that the amount of work that needs to be done over the summer months continue to grow but the days are fewer or stay the same. I will need to go into work for at least half a day this weekend to get some things done.

Tomorrow is 07-07-07. I hope this is a sign that it will be a good day. I suppose "lucky day" is all in perspective. If you go to a casino on that day because it should be lucky, the luck may be on the side of the casino. You never know though, good things happen every day but I am sure some bad things will happen on the luckiest day of the year for someone. (Aint I a little ray of sunshine)

Have a great weekend.