Monday, July 2, 2007

California Dreamin

I am back from sunny California. The trip was awesome! The classes were very good and informative and the weather was perfect. It was very much a needed get away that I will never forget. Here are some of the things we did - outside of class time:

* Watched a performance of Second City
* Went to the beach twice - Once at Huntington beach and once at Venice beach
* Went to Hollywood and checked out
* The walk of fame
* The chinese theater place that has the handprints of celebs
* Beverly Hills
* Ate at Mel's Diner, the one from all the pictures
* Went to Brentwood, and Bel Air
* Went to Disneyland

I really had a great time. Huntington beach is where all the surfers are at. It was cool watching them surf. We went into the water at Venice beach and jumped around in the waves.

The weather was great for the whole trip. Low to mid 80's and NO HUMIDITY! If the place wasn't so crazy, it would be a great place to live. The people were very nice. If you ever hit lotto you might want to check out southern California as a possible place to live.

Today it is back to work Monday. What a drag! I have a bunch of work to catch up on but at least it is summer and Wednesday is a day off (4th of July and all).

No games for the kids tonight. Jess has a game tomorrow and Drew is wanting to go to the pool and start golfing.