Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy 3rd of July

Every family has a few unique traditions or twist on standard traditions; the Costanza's had the tradition of Festivus. A Festivus for the rest of us....lol (Seinfeld). In my family we have had a tradition of celebrating the 3rd of July. Why, you might ask? The 4th is a day off and we have always felt that by celebrating the 3rd of July, you could have family and friends over and they would not have to worry about getting up for work the next day.

I always enjoyed the 3rd of July celebrations over the years but have not had the ability to participate nearly as much as I would have liked. This year I will miss the traditional 3rd of July celebration because of the kids sports but will be thinking of everyone back home and I will make a point of drinking a beer and toasting you all even if I cannot be there.

My plans for the 4th this year are to go and watch the parade. Hang out at home most of the day and then have a fire and watch the fireworks in the evening. Since it is a Wednesday and I have to work the next day, I don't imagine it will be too wild of a time but the kids will enjoy it.

The summer seems to be flying by. It is July already and I am sure it won't be long before football season talk will begin. I have only golfed a few times this year and the season is almost half over. It seems that each year I have grand plans for the summer only to see time slip through my fingers and only accomplish of few of the plans.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy 3rd. Have a drink and think of us here in Iowa.

I miss you all.