Friday, June 22, 2007

Andy Rooney really needs to trim his eye brows

The weather yesterday was very odd. It was hot and humid all day until around 4 then a huge thunder storm blew through. It blew and and blew over. Within and hour, the storm had passed and the sky was sunny. I think we got about 4/10 of an inch of rain. It was enough to cancel golf league last night but the softball games were played. They were delayed by about a half an hour but the field was in good shape and they played both games.

Jess had a solid outing. She did a very nice job on first and made some good digs out of the dirt. She was up to bat 5 times, I think, and got on base 3 times. The other two times she was fielded out at first so no strike outs. The team won both games and are on a four game winning streak. They are supposed to play in a tournament today but the weather may alter those plans.

Little Drew mowed Nancy's lawn yesterday while it was very hot and humid. It was good for him to get some work done and I think he is starting to feel a bit of pride when he does a good job. It is nice to see him grow into a young man and take on responsibilities.

Today is the last day I will be in the office for over a week. I have a few things to finish up but don't plan on having too much of a hectic day. I have no appointments scheduled and plan to just get things in order while I am away.

I did not get a chance to take pictures last night. I am like a news broadcast that keeps telling you that the story you want to see is coming up next and a half hour later you are still waiting for the damn thing. "The story you really are watching us for will be coming up......after the break."

One of my friends is going through some medical issues. He has high chloresterol and is a high risk group. His dad died young of heart trouble so he is being monitored closely. He is on a special diet and also has some issues with his liver. It is hard knowing he has to go through all this but he is a good guy and seems to be doing well. I guess if all I have to worry about is going bald, I should thank my lucky stars.