Thursday, June 21, 2007

I wish flatulation was a viable fuel alternative

I have made it to Thursday. It seems there is so much to do at work before I leave for California but I have little to no desire to get it done. Did I mention I signed my contract yesterday for another year?

Jess had a game last night and it was an good hour drive from here. It was a long night. I didn't get home until 10:45 and she didn't get home until after 11. They won and she had a good outing. She batted three time and got a single and was fielded out twice. No strike outs last night! She did a very nice job on first and had a few very nice grabs. The team won 4-1. It was a pretty good game and they really are playing well defensively. If they could just put more point on the board they would be a very good team.

Drew went to the game with me and we sat together. It was really nice. We had a good father-son time and I think of it as one of the "quality" moments that you can never plan for. I hope he will sit with me more often during games.

I golf tonight. Jess has a varsity/varsity game so she playes two games back to back, a double header of sorts. I am planning on going to the game after I finish golfing. I am going to miss her games tomorrow and will be gone next week so I would like to see her play.

I am hoping golf goes well again this week. It is good to be out in the nice weather, drinking a little beer and having a good golf round. In the man world, that is about as good as it gets.

I hope to get more pictures posted soon. My phone ran out of battery last night before the game so I didn't get any pictures taken last night.