Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hump day sounds perverse

As the summer moves along, Tuesday may be one of my favorite days. That seems to be the only day of the week that we don't have any activities. Drew doesn't have practice and Jess doesn't have games. It is day that the kids and I can hang out and just have fun.

In previous posts I have mentioned that I watch the show Man vs Wild. In this show he uses a flint, most of the time, to start a fire. In early episodes however, he used two pieces of wood and two sticks. He sharpened up one stick on both ends to a dull point. Then he took his shoe lace and made a bow out of the other stick. He used the bow to spin the other stick. One piece of wood was on the ground and the other he held on top of the stick to maintain pressure and keep it in place.

So last night the kids and I tried to replicate this task. We found the wood, the sticks, used a shoelace and got to work. Let me tell you, it is work but we got the thing to smoke and I think if I had to make the fire start we could have got it done. I ended up getting tired of being bitten by bugs and quit but I really think we could do it. I told the kids we would make it work one of these nights. I kept the bow and the wood we used.

We also watched "Americas got talent" on TV last night. It is an ok show but I thought it would be fun to participate so we took a buzzer out of one of our games and we buzzed the contestants like the judges. We even expressed why we buzzed them, like the judges do. The kids had fun and I think it will be a weekly tradition.

I also made spaghetti last night. A big batch to have left overs for a couple of days. With games and such it is hard to get a decent meal. We typically resort to fast food. Now we have something better in the fridge. Spaghetti is always better the second day anyway.

Jess has a game tonight. It is away so I will pickup Drew after work and we will head up.

We are supposed to get rain this afternoon, tomorrow and into Friday. I hope it doesn't impact the games or, heaven forbid, my golf night.