Monday, June 18, 2007

Muggy Monday

The weekend went by very fast. The weather was nice but hot and humid. Yesterday it was hot, humid and windy and today it is supposed to rain. (1 to 3 inches of rain possible)

Drew had a baseball game on Friday. I was the ump and my legs are still a bit sore from the 300 or so lunges it takes to be in position. His team lost. They seemed to have a very bad game. They had been doing so well but this was about as bad as I have seen them play all year. Oh well, only one more game. He has had a good time and that is what was important.

A friend of his had a birthday party on Saturday. They went tubing down a river. He had a good time but got a little sun burned and had a rash from the life vest. It was one of those deals where the company drops you off at a spot on the river and then picks you up about 8 miles down river. I thought it was a fun idea for the kids to do. He is always out doing something.

Jess had a game Friday. They won. She is the varisity first baseman. She had a fair outing at bat and did well on defense. They play every night this week with the exception of Tuesday. Since it is supposed to rain tonight I wonder if they will get rescheduled to tomorrow.

She had a basketball game last night. They got beat. She said she is not in basketball shape and it almost killed her running up and down the court last night. It is good for her since she doesn't really get any conditioning in softball.

Saturday night we sat outside and had a bunch of kids running around. They used sidewalk chalk on our driveway and Jess decided to draw outlines of bodies like in the movies. Each kid took turns laying down and she outlined them. They were labeled "Body #1, Body #2, etc.". It was pretty funny. Our driveway is now a work of art.

I leave for California on Sunday. It seems like the trip is rushing upon me. It really hasn't sunken in that I will be gone a week from today. It should be a fun trip but taking classes is never a fun time.

So I watch the Discovery channel from time to time and like this show called Man vs Wild. The guy in the show was in Africa and was getting dehydrated so he found a recently laid elephant poop and squezed it and drank the fluid out of it. You would really have to be thirsty to drink elephant poop water! Damn!

I havent't posted any pictures in awhile so I will take some this week and get them posted.