Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Golf! On a Tuesday?

Ok, I have been really stinking up the golf course lately but agreed to sub in Tuesday night golf league for our middle school principal. I guess I am a glutten for punishment.

I am looking on the bright side though. If I suck tonight, it doesn't hurt my team and it is a good practice round for Thursday night.

So the infinite wisdom of our local government officials has deemed it necessary to put a warning siren - the type of siren they use for the noon whistle and tornado warning - right outside my back yard. The damn thing is on a 50 foot pole and the siren itself is about 3 feet tall. They don't have it hooked up to power so I haven't lost my hearing yet. There are signs all over the pole that you must have hearing protection or risk hearing loss. It is literally about 50 feet from my back yard! Bastards! I can think of about 20 spots close to here that would have been just as good and not so intrusive to any neighborhood.

The kids are having a good time on vacation. The were up at the Great Lakes the last time they called me. They went to Lake Heron and to Macanow(sp) Island. The next stop was going to be Niagara falls. I get a call about every other day. It is a great time for them.

It has been a nice quiet time for me here. The house is clean and stays clean. The evenings are quiet and I get to watch my shows in peace. I don't have to cook dinner unless I want to. It has been a vacation of sorts for me as well. Molly keeps me busy. She is a little rascal.

My neighbors are an elderly couple and they know I am here alone this week. Yesterday, the wife, Shirley stopped by and gave me a bag of food. She said they were going to be gone for 4 or 5 day so they thought I would like the food. I am not really sure how to take it. Either they were just being nice and didn't think I could fend for myself so they gave me some food or they were just cleaning out their fridge and giving me their stuff that would spoil. I didn't really want to take it but I did and thanked her.

More tomorrow.