Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Serious Spring/Summer Fever

The weather outside is great! The sun is shining with a few puffy clouds mixed into a vivid blue sky. Spring fever is upon me.

It has been such a busy spring that I have not had much of a chance to really think about warm weather fun but for some reason today it hit me. I feel like blowing off work and going to the lake. Not gonna happen but I sure feel like it.

Jess had a game last night. The Freshman team lost 18-0, her JV team lost 11-0 and the varsity lost 11-1, ten run rule ended that game.

Drew's team won 8-7. They are on a two game winning streak and I am glad for the boys. They are a great group of kids and it is nice to see them win some games.

I had to go to a school board meeting last night. They are discussing our salary increase for the year and it is always a mess. I hate this time of year because no one ends up happy. They ended up tabling the discussion for another meeting. Great! Prolong the agony! Anyway, I missed most of the games last night to be part of the madness.

The last day of school is tomorrow. Jessica has finals today and is done. She wont have to go to school tomorrow. Drew is going to the rec today and then they are having an outside picnic for lunch. They have great weather for it.

On the dark side of life. We have a rapist on the loose here in town. He has attacked three women, I think, and is still at large. He has targeted women walking or jogging and has broken into one home and sexually assulted a woman. It sure makes people uneasy here in town and I hope they catch him soon.

The odd thing about a situation like this is how you look at everyone suspiciously now. The guy is around 5'5 and is hispanic. That is a big part of our population so when you see a short hispanic guy walking down the street, it crosses your mind.....is it him?

Things like this are hard on a community. The weather is turning nice and people are afraid to be outside alone.

We keep our doors locked now.