Sunday, April 15, 2007

Slow It Down Sunday

Saturday was a busy one. Jessica had a track meet in Saydel. The weather was pretty crappy. It was cold with wind gusts that made it even colder. When the sun would come out it would get better but the sky was full of clouds so the sun moments were few and far between.

Jess did well. She ran a 61.40 second 400. It was a close race. They had to have a photo finish to determine the winner. Jess won by a tenth of a second. The girl from Saydel ran 61.50 seconds. She was tired but happy. This was her first gold medal of the year! I checked online this morning and her time puts her 5th in the state for 3A schools. The top time in the state is 61.25 seconds. She is 2 tenths from number 1 in the state. Not too bad for a freshman.

I think she can get below the 60 second mark but it will take some effort and good weather. Like most things in life, hard work and a little luck. She ran 3 400's yesterday. The open 400 then she ran the sprint medley relay. They got 4th in that. By the time she got the batan it was pretty much over. She closed the gap but that was about all she could do. Her split in that was 61.6 seconds so she did really well that time too. The third event was the 4x400 relay. It was only about twenty minutes between the last two event she ran and she was tired. She was tearin up and caring on a bit because she didn't think she could do it. I told her to suck it up and run. After a bit of a snotty exchange between the two of us, she ran the race and they go second. Once again by the time she got the batan it was over. She was in second when she got the batan and she kept them there. She ran a 65 seconds this time. Not as good but considering she was tired and had no chance of catching the first place runner, it wasn't too bad.

Drew had baseball practice last night. He is batting really well. He popped two balls to the fence and is really doing a nice job on first base. He told me the other day that he loves baseball and that it is his second favorite sport behind football. Kind of a suprise for me because I thought he would have said basketball but as long as he is having fun, that is what is important. He is going to play first base and pitch this year. I really hate it when he pitches because the pressure I feel in the stands is almost unbearable!

Drew has a scrimmage monday night and Jessica has a track meet monday as well. Not sure what I will do yet.