Monday, April 16, 2007


We are finally getting some good weather. It looks like it is going to be in the 70's today. Jess has a track meet today so it will be good for her to be able to run in good weather for a change.

Drew has a scrimmage tonight. He is pretty excited about it. I am going to go to Jessica's track meet since I will only be able to see her run a few times this year and since Drew's baseball event is a scrimmage. He was a little dissapointed when I told him but he understands. I figure when Jess is gone, I will see all of his HS events. No conflicts.

The kids and I went kite flying yesterday. It was a really nice day and we just had to take advantage of it. I have some pictures but can't find the USB cord so I will post them tomorrow. House of magic, remember.

About a week away from the Microsoft trip. It will be good to get away.