Friday, April 20, 2007

Fun Filled Friday

We made it to the weekend. The weather is still good here. Highs are to be in the 70's. My staff is celebrating Nancy's birthday today. Her birthday was sometime ago but we have not had an opportunity to get together and have a little party so today is the day. There seems to be so much to do today and Monday before we leave for our Microsoft trip.

Jessica had a track meet last night. She got 3rd in the long jump, 1st in the 400 and 1st in the sprint medley relay. The sprint medley relay team broke the track record last night so they were very excited. That event consists of 100,100,200,400. Jessica runs the 400 so if they can get her even or in the lead when she gets the baton, they will win. The coach thinks that relay team has a shot at state. She ran 61.10 seconds in the 400, which is pretty good because there was a very strong wind at the meet so she was very happy with the time.

Drew had a good practice last night and then he and I had Chinese food. It was good, he likes eating with chop stick so it is good and kind of fun.

I am working at the middle school track meet tonight as a timer. It is easy money and I enjoy watching track so it is a win-win for me....:)

There are no events planned for this weekend so it is going to be a chance for us all to catch our breath.