Monday, April 23, 2007

The Start of a Big Week

I have a feeling this is going to be a very fast week. We leave for Microsoft tomorrow. The flight is for 6:00 AM so we have to leave town by 4:30 which means I will be an early riser tomorrow. It looks like a pretty busy agenda but it should be fun. The procrastinator in me has yet to pack so I will have to do that tonight after work.

Jessica has two track meets this week while I am away. One on Tuesday and the other on Friday. Just a couple of weeks away from Conference and District meets so it is coming down to the wire. Here is the link to check her times compared to the other girls in our class: The first few times on the screen are messed up because they are not recorded in minutes so skip those. Obviously 1:00:9 is faster than 70:00 so that is what is messed up on that first page.

Drew has his first baseball game this coming Sunday. So far the forecast is good for it. I look forward to watching him play.

Much to do at work today. I have to make sure everything is taken care of so we have the least potential for problems while I am away. Today should be a busy start to a very full week.

I will try to post while I am at Redmond but can't garuantee so keep checking. If nothing else I will post again next weekend.

I miss everyone.