Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Redmond Washington and Still Alive

We made it to Redmond. It was quite and adventure. Flight left at 6:00 AM so my day started at 2:30 AM. The flight was typical and the drive from Seattle to Redmond was an adventure. Here is a small summary:

The day started off with a bang. We got to the Des Moines airport and had to go to this gate that was in the basement, kind of. So after about 15 minutes of waiting I am tasting this metallic taste in my mouth. I mean it was strong and gross. I ask Nancy if she is tasting metal and she said "YES!!!!". So we ran up-stairs and got some gum and chewed like the dickens until we boarded the plane. The plane was delayed so we were running late to make the connnecting flight in Salt Lake City. The gate we had to go to was on the other side of the airport so we had to hussle to get there. Just as we were walking up we heard our names on the load speaker that the plane was getting ready to leave us. So we get on on the plane and wait on the tarmac for like 40 minutes. Like Nancy says, hurry up and wait.

So we arrive in Seattle and find out that the cost to get a taxi is over $70 one way to Redmond. So we have the bright idea to save some money and rent a car. We get a car from Dollar rental, but they don't have a lot at the airport so we are literally wisked away on a shuttle to this drop off spot where they give us the keys. It is a small Dodge Neon, which is great for what we need, which is CHEAP!!!

We drive out of the lot and start heading down the highway. Ok, Washington is not tourist friendly when it comes to road signs. At this point I realize I have no idea which direction we are heading or where we are supposed to go. I see a Kentucky Fried Chicken so we stop have some lunch and look at the map. Still I have no idea which way is north. Sometimes the biological North is not North so keep that locked away for what it is worth. We drive and drive and drive and the traffic is crazy and the signs are like out of a game show. Here is an example: We were supposed to take an exit off of the road we were on to another highway that would get us closer to Redmond. The sign says right lane exit only. Ok, that is alright so we are in the right lane and as we go down the exit ramp, it FORKS!!! What the hell is that all about? Which fork in the exit do we take, the sign isn't saying. We guess right, that time but there are so many wrong guesses I am suprised we made it.

In retrospect I would have taken the dang taxi.