Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sunny Disposition

It is another nice day today in a string of good weather. Mother nature seemed to do us wrong earlier in the month but she is making up for it now. It is so nice to see the sun everyday and for the kids to be able to be outside.

Jessica has a track meet tonight. She is only doing three events and that is a relief to her. She is in the long jump, the open 400 and the sprint medley (she is running the 400, anchor leg of that event). The coach is trying to put together a sprint medley team that can make it to state. I think they are close. I guess we will see what happens tonight.

Unfortunately I am not going to the meet tonight. Drew has baseball practice and the track meet is a little over an hour away. He could get a ride to and from practice but I don't want him to be home alone until ten at night. I think I will take him out to dinner after practice. A little father/son time tonight.

The countdown to Microsoft continues. I leave on Tuesday. Nancy and I had a conference call with Microsoft yesterday. They are doing a case study with us for our participation in the Vista beta project. When it is done, there will be a write-up on the Microsoft site about us and our school. It should be pretty cool. I will send you the link when it is available. I was told it would take about 5 weeks. They have to write it, editors check, Microsoft check, we check it, then back to the editors, then they publish.

Have a great day today!