Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Raining on my parade

So mother nature decided to stick it to me on spring break. I am not bitter that others are off on magical vacations at tropical locations. No...that does phase me at all. Everyone deserves a break and those who are able to get away----good for them. I am not bitter that I have a bunch of work to do while others are bathing in the sun.....Nope, doesn't get to me. What does get to me is that while others are off having their time in the sun, we are covered in clouds and rain back here in Iowa.

Would it hurt the good lord to cast a little sunshine my way? Would it be a universal dissaster to let a warm breeze blow through our trees? I mean, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!! RAIN-----ALL WEEK! Give me a break.

Ok, now that those thoughts are out of my system........

Things went pretty well at work yesterday. Replaced a server and it seemed to go smoothly and we didn't even have to work late to get it done. We are on pace for the weeks tasks and hopefully today will be just as productive.

I hope things are going well for all of you. I miss you and think of you often.