Tuesday, December 4, 2007

That damn smell is back!

I am not sure what I would do in the morning without a cup of coffee. I hope I never have to find out!

The last two mornings I have been waking up at 4:30 or so. It is about 25 minutes before I normally get up so the dilemma begins. Do I get up at 4:30 when I feel a little bit awake or do I try to get that extra 25 minutes and run the risk of waking up in the middle of a dream, which makes me really tired and not want to get up? So far, I have thought about it long enough that I just get up. It isnt so bad missing out on a half hour of sleep from time to time, it is a heck of a lot better than having insomnia. If you have ever had insomnia, you know what I am talking about.

The school was a mess yesterday. The sidewalk and parking lots were sheets of ice. The building and grounds director, who is a friend of mine, most likely got his butt chewed out. It was ridiculous and he deserved the butt chewing. I am not sure if anyone got hurt but I heard that several people fell. I could go into a tirade about lazy workers and how that is the norm and how, for the most part, people are able to slide but there are times you actually have to do your job; but I am going to refrain from that and move on.

We are busy as beavers at work. It seems that we are riding on a wave of work but at the same time, I feel that once we get over the hump here, we should see a slow down until after the Christmas break. I am hoping that by the middle or end of next week, we should be in pretty good shape.

The JV team played last night. Jess wasn't part of the JV team. I was curious if they were going to have her play any JV this year but apparently they aren't. I went and watched the first half and then came home and watched "Chuck". I am not sure how the game ended up, I forgot to ask Jess when she got home. The girls have a game tonight but it is away and an hour away at that so I am not going. Drew had an early morning practice again today so he is already gone for the day.

Drew has a game Thursday and Jess has a game Friday. The girls play the #1 ranked team in the state so it will probably get ugly.

I have to decide decide when I am going to do my Christmas shopping. I really am not looking forward to it this year. My tendency is more on the side of the grinch this year than of of St. Nick.

My tenants are supposed to be out of the house today. The realtor called and said they have another family that may be interested in renting it. I hope to do a walk through today and then get a showing in tonight or tomorrow. That house is an anchor around my neck! I am concerned with the condition of the house. The current tennants were slobs and negligent of the property. More crap to worry about.

In all of my haste, I have forgotten to note the hiring of Bo Pelini by the University of Nebraska. I think it is a good hire and I think we will see an impact next year. The talent is there, I think we now have a coach that can get it going. I hope that he keeps Watson on the offensive side of the ball. I think he would be a great offensive coordinator.

I just saw that the lying weather bastards are predicting a high of 40 today. It kind of made me happy but I hate to take them at their word. The lying bastards have gotten my hopes up many times only to play out as a collosal dissapointment. If they are right, which is RARE, maybe the ice will melt a bit.

Ok, off to start my day.