Wednesday, December 5, 2007

If the polar ice caps are melting, they are re-freezing here in Iowa

The weather was actually pretty decent yesterday. The usually lying weather people were right and it was warm enough to melt some of the ice away. That was the good news.

Today, cold as a bastard and a wind that is an arctic blast from the north. Tomorrow, SNOW! This weekend, SNOW and ICE! Simply put, we are in for a suckfest!

The real estate agent called yesterday and they have someone interested in renting the house. That is very good news so we will wait and see how it pans out. They were going to look at it last night or today, not sure which and then fill out an application. We will review the application and decide if we want to rent to them. If they have the means to consistently pay the rent, we'll take em! I don't care if they raise chickens in the back yard for some sort of voodoo sacrifice, as long as they keep the place clean and take care of the yard and PAY, they can do whatever.

Jess had a game last night and it was another ugly night for the Jayettes. The good news was that Jess was the high scorer on the team with 10 points. The bad news, they lost by 25. The team shooting percentage is pretty poor so the coach is now having shooting pratice every morning at 7:00 am.

Drew had practice in the mornings at 6:15 so now I have both kids getting up early and cutting into my morning Rich time. Drew up at 5:30 and Jess up at 5:45.

Just as I thought the political parade could not get any worse. Just a month away for the Iowa Caucuses, the political machines are sounding off as loud as ever. Phone calls for surveys, every dang commercial is a political one and candidates are everywhere. I will be glad when this is over.

For some reason, I keep thinking today is Thursday. How does that happen? Several times this morning I thought about it being either Trash Day, or what was on TV Thursday night or do I have any meeting for Thursday? Hello! Rich, IT'S WEDNESDAY!!!!

One meeting today and a few items still on my list of things to do. Yesterday was pretty productive so it seems we are on the downward swing of tasks. Let's hope nothing big happens between now and Christmas break.