Thursday, November 8, 2007

I tried to throw in the towel but some bastard stole it!

I think the weather is going to be a bit warmer today. I really don't care. I have kind of a case of the ass today for no apparent reason. It is Thursday and it is getting close to the weekend and I should be pretty happy. Should and are seem light years apart sometimes don' t they?

The blog tends to be a bit theraputic but there is a limit. The limit is that this is a public forum and some of my thoughts just can't be shown here. I think the blog is a great way to share what is going on in the Nichols family here in Perry and keep everyone current on what we are doing and how things are going. Being away is always hard and this is a window into our daily lives.

For me it has been kind of like the Costanza Christmas (from Seinfeld). "We start with the airing of grievences!" It has been a place for me to let go of some of my little dramas and get them out of my system. It makes me feel better to get it out and let it go. The little troubles seem a bit smaller when I get get them OUT. The problem is I also write this for myself. A way for "future Rich" to look back on what was going on in life "back when".

I am sure everyone can relate that you just can't put real hard problems on the web. You just can't. There are a couple reasons. First, you don't want people to know those issues and second, most people really don't want to hear them. Life is too short, ya know? We all have issues and if they were all public, life would be one big drama fest, where everyone needed a hug. Puke!

I am not sure why I wrote all of this but I think maybe it is for "Future Rich". So when I do go back and read these posts, maybe I will remember what I was really thinking and going through. I bet "future Rich" is

Ok, Drew is getting ready to go to practice this morning. He enjoys the morning practice. I have mixed emotions. I think it is nice to have him home in the afternoon when I get home but it really cuts into my "morning time". Usually, I have an hour and a half to myself each morning to have a little coffee, read about the Huskers, check our servers at school, and just surf the web or play games. It is just kind of a nice time. With Drew having morning practice it is kind of broken up.

Both kids are practicing like crazy and Jess has a scrimmage this weekend at Fr. Dodge. The HS season games start next week and as I looked at the schedule there are a bunch of games. I think she will play JV and get playing time at Varsity. They can only play so many quarters in a year so I guess we will see how it plays out.

I have an early morning meeting this morning, it is trash day and my case of the ass remains.

I am sure Friday will be much better.