Thursday, October 4, 2007

It's not gluttony, I think I have an eating disorder

It is going to be a beautiful day today. The high is going to be 80. It will be sunny and nice. I think the weather is supposed to be good tomorrow as well but just a bit warmer. Not a bad way to head to the weekend.

The political machines continue to run here in Iowa. The presidential ads are on all the time, the candidates continue to visit and our news is always full of the latest political news.

Drew only has three more football practices this season. He has mixed emotions about it. He really likes football but he said he is looking forward to a break. Of course he told me that last night after he came back from a practice that they did a lot of conditioning. lol

Jess went to the Iowa State volleyball game with the HS volleyball team last night. They had fun. Iowa State won 3-0 so it was a short match. I think they played Kansas.

Tomorrow night we has a home football game and the weather is going to be nice. The kids love to go to the games. It's like a big party for them.

The leaves are starting to fall around here. I found out yesterday that the open burning is allowed from October 1 to sometime in November. I will be able to get my leaves burned as they fall now. I like the smell of burning leaves but dread the thought of raking and piling them up.

So each weekday morning. I get up at 5:00 and make coffee, let Molly out, get on the computer and surf the web a bit and post my blog. At 6:30, I get the kids up and start getting ready for work and then head out by 7:30. That first hour and a half from 5 to 6:30 is the fastest hour and a half of my day. It seems to fly by. It is kind of my quiet time that I have to myself and just start my day. I don't think I could face the day without my morning time.

I think Molly needs riddlin! Stupid wild dang dog. She is very affectionate but hyper and naughty. She has slowly gotten better but it has been SLOWLY! She is due to get her first haircut, I just need to get her in. She has all of her shots now so that is good. I have to admit though, she is good company in the morning. After she comes in from doing her business she lays beside me in the booth as I write the blog. She just lays there and sleeps and sometimes puts her head on my leg. Kind of sweet actually. (She's still naughtly sometimes)

Have a nice day!