Thursday, September 27, 2007

Whoo-Hooo its Trash Day!

The weather is going to be very good today. It is supposed to be sunny and a high in the upper 70's. A nice fall day!

The day went pretty well yesterday. We are keeping very busy at work but it makes the days go fast. It seemed like yesterday I had a lot of visitors that want to come into my office and chat. They don't seem to realize that I have bunch of work to do and I have a hard time just telling them I am too busy to talk with them. It seems rather rude so they chat and I try to keep working while talking to them and I am not as productive as I could be while they are there. Nancy gets really grouchy about that by the way. She has no trouble telling people to get the hell out!

I seem to have so many meetings lately that my time to work is limited by that as well. Some meetings are necessary, others are just an exercise in keeping people happy and informed (I hate those meetings by the way.).

Jess has a volleyball game tonight. The JV team plays at 5:30 and the varsity starts at 7 or 7:30, I can't remember which. Friday, the football game is away and it is a long way away so I don't think the kids are going.

Drew has a birthday part to go to on Saturday. Jess is going to a "Faith Fest" with one of her friends. She is a neighbor girl, a junior at high school, and her dad is a minister. Jess has gone to other things with her in the past with their church and there are a bunch of kids from school that she knows that go to that church so she has fun. I told her she was going to a BIG O'L FAITH FEST. She thought I was being condescending and told me to stop.

So I was checking the kids grades yesterday and Drew has a C in COMPUTERS! He has had an A all year and he failed a computer terms test and the retest and now has a C. I told him it was a bit embarassing to have the Tech Directors son get a C in computers. I told him if he needed help with the terms I would be happy to help and know all the answers. He wasn't interested but said he would get the grade up. DREW!!!!

So far this year Jess has 2 B's and the rest A's. Drew has all A's and that damn C.

Hey mom, isn't it funny how I get on the kids about grades when I was a slacker in high school?

Time to get ready for my day.

More tomorrow.