Monday, May 7, 2007

Mother Nature Still Stickin it to Us!

I wonder if anyone has started building an arc? This weather is horrible! Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain....Clouds, Clouds, Clouds..Repeat. I have always said that bad weather helps us appreciate the good weather. I am past that point. I think we are entitled some good weather from time to time and it is currently long overdue.

It was an uneventful weekend. It was Prom here and Jessica was a server for the dinner. She and a few of her friends had a good time checking out the dreses and the decorations. Drew went to a birthday party on Friday night and then spent the day at another friends house on Saturday. Sunday he slept most of the day.

We were scheduled to have a baseball game on Sunday. I was going to ump and I think Drew was scheduled to pitch. Not a good combination but it got rained out so mother nature spared me on that one.

Jessica is supposed to have her conference track meet today but it looks like rain all day so if they have it, I am sure it will be miserable. They have a rain make-up day for next Monday if they cancel today. She has the District meet to qualify for State on Friday. The weather is predicted to be good by then.

I have a very busy week ahead. Lots of meetings and still a load of work. I drank two glasses of wine last night to prepare me for the week. My dreams were crazy last night and I wonder if it had anything to do with the wine.

Summer is just a month away. School gets out June 6th. I am really looking forward to school being out and working on my projects.

We are going live with our online payment option at school today. I have everything setup and I will just make the link live and post the information on how to make it work, today. I am hoping to get a majority of the kids registered before they go home for summer. I eventually want to do away with August registration.

I will post pictures and results of the track meet tomorrow, if the weather doesn't postpone it.