Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Winter Track Season

Mother nature keeps sticking it too us. What is with SNOW today? This really stinks.

Drew is practicing indoors for baseball. As of today he has only had one practice outside. Jessica has had two track meets cancelled because of the bad weather. For the first time in a long time I am actually glad I don't have a window in my office. It would just be too depressing.

I am doing my civic duty today.....I am giving blood. I really do like donating blood. It makes me feel like I am helping someone and when you are in a room with 100 other people all donating blood it makes me feel that everyone has a good heart. Kind of like everyone coming together to help. Probably kind of silly but that is how it makes me feel.

Nancy and I are working hard getting thing ready for the early bird registration. It is alot of hard work but it will pay off later. I am pretty sure no one realizes what kind of work it takes to pull this kind of stuff off. Oh well, just the life of a tech.

Jessica was told by her track coach yesterday that if she runs 62 she will make it to state and if she can run a 61 or less she will carry the sprint medley team to state as well. I think she can break the 60 mark this year but it will depend on the weather and the ability to get good training days in before the end of the season. I guess we will see.