Monday, April 9, 2007

Mr. Fix-It

I am not sure what kind of cosmic alignment occurred this weekend but whatever it was cause most things in my house to stop working. If I have to take one more thing apart I think I am going to spit.

The weekend was long but seemed to go pretty fast. Here is a quick summary:

I worked most of the day on Saturday at work. Big project, little time...blah, blah, blah. I arrived home in the late afternoon and my dryer was really making a horrible noise. Since I decided to stay home this weekend I thought I should fix it. I tore the thing apart about three times, trying things and testing. Finally I found the problem. It was the fan in the botton. It had broken on the end just enough that it would spin and shake. It would hit the sides and make the awful sound. I went to Ace to see if they had a part. They didn't but I bought a few spacer washers to try to get it tight. It is better but not finished. I found the part online and it should be her this week. All in all it took about three hours of messing around to get to this point.

Next up was the dang sump pump. It would not pump water. I spend most of the late afternoon yesterday messing with that. Finally I tore the whole thing apart and found the issue. I happened to have a screw that made it work correctly. It is now fixed.

The kids colored eggs, yeah they are a bit old but Jessi talked Drew into it. I have some pictures posted of the fun.

I have to go to the school board meeting tonight. Jessi has a track meet tomorrow and Drew has practice tonight.
