Tuesday, April 27, 2010

up at 3:30 am....what the heck is going on?

I think the weather is supposed to be OK but I am not sure. The last four days have been cold and rainy.

Class went well last night. The semester is winding down. I give a final on Wednesday and then the final on Monday and I am done for the term.

It is kind of weird that when I teach, I don't see the kids. I wake them up in the morning and then when I get home, Drew is in bed and Jess was out. By the time she got home, I was in bed. Just one of those things.

I got up at 3:30 this morning and was wide awake. I hate it when that happens. I have to say, the television at that time of day is a bit odd.

I have to spend most of my day in meetings today. We have money from Microsoft and the curriculum director and I are meeting with each building principal to talk about what core curriculum area to focus on. There is much more to it but I am getting bored just thinking about trying to explain it so I will just leave it at that.

Jess has a track meet in Adel tonight.

Ok, off to start.