Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I might as well have left a blank screen

It looks like the weather is going to be nice today. I hope we are on our way to Spring.

Not much on the agenda today. I teach class tonight and have some office work to do.

It is the middle of the week and I hope the rest of the week goes fast. As a matter of fact, I hope the rest of the month goes fast. Spring break is just a couple weeks away.

Once the weather gets nice, I am going to go shopping for a new grill. I didn't get to do any last summer but that won't happen this year. I also think I am getting another 1/4 beef pretty soon.

Last night I relaxed. I made Queasadillas for dinner and then watch tv and relaxed. The next four days are busy with teaching so I want to appreciate the time I have off.

Not much else to say so I better start my day.