Wednesday, February 6, 2008

When was the last time you went to church on Ash Wednesday?.........LENT the events begin!

Well, the weather outside is frightful! Snow is the name of the game for today. I think we got maybe 5 inches but it was enough to cancel school for the day. The kids are excited and I am pretty happy too. I looked online and it looks like my night class at DMACC has been cancelled too.

I guess if I could have my choice, I would teach the class tonight instead of cancelling. Not my call so I guess it doesn't really matter. I just hate having to figure out how to make up the day.

Lent officially begins today. Ash Wednesday. I am giving up nothing for lent this year since the last time I have been to church it was wedding. It seems these days I only go to church for weddings and funerals. If I were to give up something for lent it would be hypocritical.

I am actually pretty happy with myself knowing today was Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. Not sure if that is enough to get me into heaven though. I have accepted the fact that I may be spending a significant time in purgatory.

I am sure Nancy will be reading this post this morning so I have a couple messages for her.
  • Don't forget to bring in a little coffee, I will bring a bit too.
  • My shovel is still at your house so on the way to work this morning, could you bring it with you? The kids are going to shovel snow today.

So it looks like John McCain is going to be the Republican nominee for president. He won pretty good on Super Tuesday so it looks like he is up.

On the Democrat side it is still a toss up. Hillary or Obama. They both did well and kind of split the votes yesterday. Not sure who will be the nominee yet. Hillary has cried twice so far for votes, we will see how many more times we will get to see her "tear up" before the convention.

Here is the breakdown for the kids games the rest of the week. Jess and Drew both have games on Thursday. Jess has a game on Friday and on Saturday, Drew has a tournament and Jess has a volleyball tournament.

With all the activities and teaching class, the weeks really fly by these days. I think about class all day Monday. I feel great on Tuesday knowing I have nothing in the evening, Wednesday I am usually thinking about teaching again, another late night. Then it is Thursday already and there are games on those nights and Friday. So the weeks just really fly.

I need to get going to start the big day.