Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Shiver me timbers!

Woe is me! Yesterday I was sick and sick in a bad, bad way. My stomach was bad and I had a persistent headache. I was achy all over and had big temperature issues. In the morning I was so cold I was almost shivering. I checked my temp and either the thermometer doesn't work or I didn't have a temp. What I do know was that I was freezing. I finally warmed up but then I was sweating. Took some ibuprofen and that helped but during the night I had the same thing. Woke up FREEZING even though I had three blankets and a sheet on. I was also wearing pajama bottoms, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt. When my alarm went off, I was sweating.

I hope I am done with this because I have a bunch to do at work this week. I have vendors in and a few projects that need to be done by Friday. Yesterday was miserable.

The kids had a good Christmas. Drew got a PS2 and Jess go Guitar Hero. It is a fun game. I played it Monday and a bit yesterday morning before I started feeling like hell. They played it most of the day.

I don't really feel like going into all the things everyone got and all that but it was a good Christmas. I will mention that Mom got me a case of Flat Iron Steaks. I was going to eat one yesterday but as I mentioned above, it was a bad day. I had chicken noodle soup and a bowl of ceral for the day.

I feel like I should have a bunch more to say today but I must not be feeling well yet because it seems like effort to even type the blog today. I seem to feel ok but I am tired and don't have any energy. I will keep on the ibuprofen today and hopefully am on the downward slid of this.

Drew turned 13 yesterday as well. He wanted a certain type of game but they didn't have it out yet so we game him a $100 visa so he could buy whatever he wants. He can save it and use it to buy the game when it comes out or use it on whatever. He said he has enough in gift cards now to buy a Wii. We will see if that is what he does with his money.

I am going to get started on my day. I am hoping a shower and shave helps me feel more human than I do now.

Off to start the day.