Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas wish #1 - A little common sense in our local government!

There is a nice ring to the sound of Wednesday this week. Two days left until break and it seems like I am running in sand towards the finish line. I am not sure why this week has seemed so long but it is dragging. One thing bad about heading into a break is I have a tendency to just put things off. I tell myself, after break I will take a look at that. If a teacher needs someting that isn't an emegency, I say, "Give me a call after break and I will come and take a look.". The procrastinator in me comes out BIG TIME. Once January comes, I am depressed about being back and I have a boat load of work to do.

Oh well, I'll worry about that in

Both of the kids teams lost last night. Drew had 2 points in a ten point loss and Jess has 4 points in a 30 something point loss. Both of them are ready for the Christmas break. I feel bad for the girls. They work really hard and just can't get a win or even be competitive. They should get their first win Thursday. We play a 2A school that isn't very strong. I hope we win, it will be nice to go into Christmas on a high note.

I attended the DMACC orientation last night and found out I have a lot of work to do. My instructor books aren't in yet but they at least gave me student versions. I have two huge textbooks to work with. There is a list of competencies the students should possess after taking my course so I have to develop a class using that as a reference. I have decide my grade scale, setup my class rules and policies, create assignments and tests, and develop a lesson plan to use for the instruction during class. There are a couple of people that also teach DMACC classes that work at our high school so I am going to ask them what they do for some of this. It seems like I have a bunch to do prior to the 7th.

Wednesday is early out at school. It is also known as Chicken, Chicken, Cripito day. They have the same lunch on Wedneday - A spicy chicken sandwich, a normal chicken sandwish or a cripito. It is the same every Wednesday. FYI - I have no idea what a cripito is. I don't eat the school lunch because I think they rip people off and are not good to the kids. I would rather go hungry than give them any more money than I have to.

I hinted a few days back that the garbage people are wanting thing to be easier for them. Well, the city council, the mayor and the city manager, in their infinite wisdom has deemed it necessary for all the citizens of Perry to put their garbage out with the following stipulations:
  • No garbage cans of any kind can be put at the curb
  • All garbage is to be put in no larger than 40 gallon bags
  • These bags are to be tied and left on the curb the morning of pickup
  • A limit of 4 bags per household will be picked up.

The reasoning behind this is they have had a bunch of workman comp claims and they are trying to limit the physical demands on the garbage men in an attempt to limit the injuries.


What the hell is that all about! Garbage men worried about the physical nature of their jobs! THAT IS THEIR JOBS! IT IS PHYSICAL - YOU LIFT GARBAGE ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Get over it or find a new job! To me it is like me going to my boss and saying the work is too TECHNICAL, we need to find a way to DUMB IT DOWN a bit. My brain just can't take all the technology!

I am disgusted on two fronts. 1- The lazy, crying, wimpy garbage men that are crying like a bunch of babies about how hard their jobs are. GET OVER IT. LIFE IS HARD! GABAGE MEN SHOULD BE HAPPY TO HAVE A CITY JOB WITH GOOD BENEFITS! BE GRATEFUL! 2 - The city council need their asses kicked to go along with such nonsense. When has this community decided the citizens work for the city instead of the other way around. They need to get a clue and get a handle on how to make the city work for the citizens not the other way around. The council contantly complains about people not wanting to move to Perry! Well maybe if we didn't have the tail wagging the dog, people would come!

Ok, sorry about all that but it needed to be said. You know, I actually feel a little better.

Off to start my day.