Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday - Back on deathwatch!

So Monday ended up sucking after all. The weather was gloomy. The vendor I had come in to do the work was slow and unprepared. We ended up only doing about half of what needed to get done and working late to do that. I got a call from the tech person that works for me at the high school and she wont be in today. I am on the interview committee for a new business manager so Nancy has to do some work at the high school. She didn't take that well and was very grouchy.

All in all, Monday came through and sucked like it is supposed to.

The volleyball team lost last night so the season is over. Jess played well. They won the first game and she had 4 or 5 blocks and scored the last two point of the game on blocks to win it. After that, the team fell apart and we couldn't return a serve or get a serve over to save our lives. It was embarassingto watch them end the season like that. They lost the next three games.

School is back in session today. I have mixed emotions about being on the interview committee. I want to be part of the selection because my department works pretty closely with the business office but the timing is not good for me to be out of the office for a day. I should be back in the office by 2:30 or 3 but it still is day away from all the work I need to do.

I also need to check to see how many people I have signed up for my computer classes. I am teaching two classes starting this week. Tuesday is the Internet and Thursday is Office Apps. If I have 6 or more I will have class. Less than that and I don't have enough to get paid so we cancel. I will not know until later today if I am teaching tonight or not.

Well, I am off to start my Tuesday.