Wednesday, October 24, 2007

They say a shark dies if it stops swimming, don't stop swimming Mr. Mulder!

I was part of the interview committee for a new business manager in our district. There were three committees and my committee consisted of management positions; directors and principals mostly. By the end of the day I came to the conclusion that I am either completely nuts or the lone voice of reason in a group of nuts. Chances are its me but DAMN, how some people's mind work is beyond me. For the most part I think we have a couple strong personalities and a bunch of followers. Once the strong speak, the rest step in line - except me. I am always the one that has to ask the questions of WHY or WHAT THE HELL! Oh well.

The sad thing is that I have the feeling they always want what is best for them personally instead of what is best for the school or the community. I want a new manager to be able to bring something to the table; knowleged, experience, leadership, direction, a new perspective. Anything that can help us as a district get better. Everyone else seems to want a puppet. Someone that is not that smart or not the experienced so they can push them into doing things as we have always done them, right or wrong. It makes me a bit discouraged and sad for our school.

Enough of that.

The weather was pretty nice yesterday (Except I had to scrape my car windows for the first time this Fall). It is supposed to be nice the rest of the week as well. I have two meetings today and a bunch of little things I need to get done that have been kind of put off. I NEED to get them done today.

I was contacted by Des Moines Area Community College yesterday and we are working on me being able to teach computer classes for DMACC here in Perry. You have to have certain qualifications if you don't have a Masters Degree. They wanted my resume so I sent that to them yesterday. Hopefully it works out and I can make some money teaching college classes.

I really felt like crap last night. I think I am getting a bad cold. My throat is sore and I had a headache and kind of a quezzy stomach. I ended up going to bed at 7:30, slept until 11:00, stayed away in bed until about 1 and then back to sleep until now. I hate having a sore throat and it is not going away.

We have a break between sports right now. Basketball doesn't officially start until November but they start shoot arounds next week. This week, both kids are home right after school which is a first in a long time. Jess will be stir crazy by the end of the week for sure.

Well, I am off to start Hump Day!